The term iritis refers to inflammation of the iris of the eye.
(The suffix -itis usually indicates "inflammation" of the preceding anatomical part of the body, in this case the iris.)
That iritis is a form of uveitis - a term that refers to inflammation of any part of the uveal tract of the eye, i.e. the iris, ciliary body, and / or the choroid.
Conventional treatment of iritis might involve the use of pharmaceutical drugs or combinations of drugs selected to ease inflammation, reduce discomfort, and (if a specific cause can be identified and addressed) to treat the cause of the inflammation. Medication may be applied in the form of drops, tablets, injections, or a combination of these.
More about Ophthalmology:
This section includes short definitions
of many diseases, disorders, and conditions of the eyes and visual system.
For definitions of other terms in this category, choose from the list
to the left (but note that this is not a complete/exhaustive list).
Other related pages include
- A diagram of the eye
- Definitions and descriptions of the parts of the eye
- A concise description of the human retina
- Definitions of parts of the retina
- Clinical and surgical procedures re. eyes and human visual system
For further information see also our pages of books about ophthalmology.