Biology (incl. Human Biology)

Pages listed below include notes about human biology and general biology that relates to humans.

Introduction to General Biology

Introduction to to Biochemistry: Elements, Compounds, Molecules, Catalysts, etc.
(some also listed in the chemistry section)

Basic Chemistry

See also the chemistry section.

Introductory Biochemistry

Maths useful for calculations

Techniques used in Biology

Histology (study of the fine detail of biological cells & tissues using microscopes, also listed in anatomy & physiology)

Introduction to Cell Biology:

Transport Mechanisms and Transport Systems (incl. Gas Exchange and Circulatory Systems):



Theory of Evolution

Many of these topics are also useful for students of animal biology in general. Information about plant biology is included where relevant to human biology e.g. re. differences between plant and animal cells, ecology and the environment (also inhabited by humans) and plants as sources of human and animal foods.

Human anatomy and physiology includes information about the structure and functions of tissue types, organs of the body e.g. lungs, stomach, kidneys, etc., and body systems e.g. respiratory system, digestive system, genito-urinary system, etc.. and is listed under human anatomy and physiology. Pages about diet and nutrition are listed separately.

Awake early and listen for the promise and opportunities of the day ahead: Take time to reconnect with your inner-self.

Although care has been taken when compiling this page, the information contained might not be completely up to date. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This material is copyright. See terms of use.

IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.