Health Technology in the News

Gadgets and devices for or with applications to health and well being

The articles listed below include news about or that mention technology, especially new devices that might monitor or enhance well-being.

Robotic exoskeleton hopes for alleviating crouch gait in children with cerebral palsy

Researchers have created the first robotic exoskeleton specifically designed to treat crouch (or flexed-knee) gait in children with cerebral palsy by providing powered knee extension assistance at ...

25 Aug '17 | Technology | USA

New ultrasonic device to improve medical instrument hygiene

Starstream, a new ultrasonic device, has been found to improve the cleaning of medical instruments and so reduce contamination and risk of infection. It works by increasing the efficiency with whic...

16 Sep '15 | Technology | England

Apple Watch - Set-up and First Impressions

Is the new Apple watch easy to use? How to set it up and operate the main apps. Many people appreciate personal timely information about their health - such as heart rate, and exercise - such as ho...

24 Apr '15 | Technology | International

Scientists to develop wearable technology incl. smart trousers

Bionic hands that transmit sensory data to the brain, smart socks that help you pick your feet up, smart trousers that support the wearer and assist with standing or even climbing stairs ... UK sci...

23 Feb '15 | Wearable Tech | Leeds

New: Mobile medical apps for continuous glucose monitoring

The FDA (USA) has permitted marketing of the first set of mobile medical apps that enable people with diabetes to automatically and securely share data from a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) with ...

23 Jan '15 | Diabetes | USA

Canadian Public Consultation re. Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic energy

Canada launches public consultation to obtain views about Safety Code 6 - Canada’s recommendations re. human exposure limits to radiofrequency electromagnetic energy, of the type emitted by electro...

16 May '14 | Mobile Phone Safety | Canada

Novel robots to assist people with disabilities

Robots can help to improve mobility for people who are visually and/or physically impaired, and can improve treatment for atrial fibrillation. 3 projects in these areas have been awarded funding by...

23 Oct '13 | Technology | USA

Touchscreen technology (NANA System) to help with nutrition for the elderly

NANA (Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing) is the result of a three-year project to develop a simple and easy to use system for measuring diet, cognition, mood, and physical function. Users - ...

12 Nov '12 | Nutrition | Reading

Non-invasive diagnostic for Adenovirus

Recent research towards a diagnostic test for adenovirus has been successful. Biosenor technology has been developed to enable a technique that uses antibodies attached to an electrical sensor - th...

17 Feb '12

SpiNNaker Project: ARM processor chips to mimic human brain functions

Scientists are working towards producing a high-performance computer which they intend to create working models of human brain functions. Microprocessor chips will be linked together to simulate th...

07 Jul '11 | Cybernetics

Liquid biomaterials advance stem cell therapy

At present, cartilage implants created using stem cells can only be constructed as a solid shape, acting as an interim measure before the almost inevitable need for total joint replacement. Rese...

17 Mar '11 | Medical Technology | Bristol Univ (UK) & Intl partners

Breakthrough in understanding brain function could lead to Alzheimer's treatment

Synaptic plasticity, one of the neurochemical foundations of learning and memory, is predominantly controlled by NMDA receptors. One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer�s disease is a neurological dys...

19 Sep '10 | Alzheimer's Disease | Bristol, UK

Whatever you do, appreciate your daily work as a springboard into more love and connection with all-that-is.

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IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.