Hepatitis in the News

The articles featured below include news about or mention of hepatitis.

Medical sharps injuries and risks to medical personnel

UK nurses organization the RCN has urged swift implementation of new regulations to protect staff from medical sharps injuries. The purpose of these regulations is to protect all health and medical...

09 Aug '12 | Health & Safety | Europe

THT and regional partners aim to roll out Play Zone nationally

After a successful pilot in London and Brighton, Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is working with a range of regional HIV and sexual health organisations to launch Play Zone across England and Wales. P...

14 Apr '09 | UK-wide

Study identifies human genes required for hepatitis C viral replication

Researchers in the USA are investigating a new way to block reproduction of the hepatitis C virus (HCV)- targeting not the virus itself but the human genes the virus exploits in its life cycle.

18 Mar '09 | Hepatitis | USA

Half of nurses injured by needles while a third fear contracting HIV or Hepatitis

A recent report from the Royal College of Nursing indicates that nurses want their employers to do more to prevent needlestick injuries. For example, 95% of nurses regarded the availability of safe...

21 Nov '08 | Safety at Work | UK

Canada's Health Minister Clement Announces Joint Declaration of Intent with France

Canadian Minister of Health and France's Minister of Health and Solidarity signed a Joint Declaration of Intent that outlines mutual work the two countries plan to undertake in the next four years ...

15 Aug '06 | Canada

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