Six of Swords Tarot Card

Tarot Suit of Swords

Read more about the Suit of Swords below.

The Sixes in the tarot deck reflect the fact that six is located at the centre of the Kabbalist Tree of Life, implying harmony and communication.

In some decks the 6 of Swords is one of the more positive cards in the suit of Swords. However, interpretations of this card, both in terms of how it is illustrated and in terms of how its meaning is interpreted, vary widely from deck to deck. The overall theme of this card is potential for, and progress towards, growth.

In the Rider-Waite and Robin Wood tarot decks the 6 of Swords tarot card depicts one or more people being taken across a stretch of water. The person or spirit propelling the vessel seems to be punting across the water which implies that the depth is relatively shallow. This could be a lake, river or ocean. The journey is not random but purposeful, perhaps to start a new life in a new place or set of circumstances.

Keywords for possible meanings of the 6 of Swords Tarot Card include:

  • Escape
  • Emmigration
  • Family or group secrets taken to new situation
  • Problems left behind
  • Journey over water or by sea
  • Ascent to a higher level of conciousness and understanding

Robin Wood Tarot Deck Celtic Tarot - Tarot Cards and Book Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot Deck The Gilded Tarot (Book and Tarot Deck Set) Angel Tarot Cards

What about the Six of Swords Reversed ?

Some interpretations of the meaning of the 6 of Swords reversed include:

  • Travel delays
  • Constrained by adverse circumstances, unable to see a way out
  • Unwillingness to confront difficulties and invest the necessary effort during challenging times ( 'rough waters' analogy )

The Tarot Suit of Swords

The Tarot Suit of Swords is associated with the suit of Spades in standard playing cards - both have sharp edges. Although many tarot decks use the term swords to refer to this suit, it also has other names (that is, for the equivalent suit in other decks), which include daggers, blades or knives.

There are meanings associated with each of the suits in a tarot deck, as well as the more specific interpretations associated with each individual card - and yet more precise meanings pertaining to particular cards in particular locations within spreads.

The suit of swords is associated with the element of air (as in air signs of the zodiac). It is also associated with the season "Spring", and with the direction "East". The suit of swords concerns academic or philosophical thought, intellectual pursuits, truth, and clarity.

Tarot Articles:

Tarot Card Games - for, against and examples

Learning to Read Tarot Cards

20 Steps to reading Tarot Cards

Why use Free Printable Tarot Cards?

List of Tarot Card Meanings

Origins of the Tarot Nouveau - or 'French Tarot'

Learning Tarot

Uses of Tarot Cards

Each season is as beautiful as we choose to perceive it. Let the best this day reach your soul.

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IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.