Walnut Oil
Walnut Oil is one of many popular carrier oils used in massage, aromatherapy, and other body-work treatments.
Walnut oil (extracted from Juglans regia) can be extracted on a small scale by first cracking the walnuts with a wooden mallet or similar instrument to break and then remove the outer shell. The kernel is then ground and pressed to yeild the oil.
Cold pressed walnut oil is a deep golden brown colour and may keep for up to a year if stored in a cool dark place. Documented history of the therapeutic uses of the walnut plant extends back over approx. 2400 years, which is the time surviving documents describing use of the walnut plant to dye hair date from - Theophrastus (371 - 287 BC).
Walnut carrier oil is described as being effective for treating eczema in the textbook "Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs and cosmetics" by A.Y.Leung & S.Foster, published by Wiley, New York, 1996.
See also the general page about carrier oils for massage and bodywork therapies and information about massage and aromatherapy.
Note: There are many different carrier oils used for massage and other bodywork therapies. This section includes many popular oils but it is not a complete list.