HIV and AIDS in the News

Articles featured below include news about or mention of HIV and AIDS.

See also books about HIV and AIDS.

HIV diagnoses falling, but still cause for concern (UK)

Statistics published by Public Health England (PHE) reveal an 18% decrease in HIV diagnoses in the UK in 2016. HIV diagnoses in gay and bisexual men dropped by 21%, the greatest areas of decline be...

03 Oct '17 | HIV | UK

No significant benefit from routine use of antibiotics for malnourished children

According to a recent MSF study, routine use of antibiotics to treat severe acute malnutrition has only a very small effect on the prospect of recovery. This research, which was conducted in Niger,...

08 Feb '16 | Antibiotics and Malnutrition | Niger

HIV associated with Salmonella epidemic in sub Saharan Africa

The emergence and spread of new variants of Salmonella Typhimurium has been found to correspond to the emergence and spread of HIV in parts sub-Saharan Africa. A major contributing factor to the in...

11 Oct '12 | HIV | sub-Saharan Africa

Medical sharps injuries and risks to medical personnel

UK nurses organization the RCN has urged swift implementation of new regulations to protect staff from medical sharps injuries. The purpose of these regulations is to protect all health and medical...

09 Aug '12 | Health & Safety | Europe

Improvements for women & children in Afghanistan

The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) report released on 27 Jun 2012 reports significant improvements to the health, education and well-being of women and children in Afghanistan. These incl...

27 Jun '12 | Education | Afghanistan

Could targeting the skin help prevent the spread of HIV?

Applying a vaccine patch to the skin with thousands of tiny micro-needles could help boost the body's immune response and prevent the spread of life-threatening infections like HIV and TB. This is ...

11 Jul '11

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

Trials of HIV vaccines rely on the participation of 1000s of volunteers plus community educators, health care workers and scientists. Each HIV vaccine candidate is created in the laboratory and usi...

11 May '11

Drug-resistant strains of Aspergillus fungi

Some strains of Aspergillus fungi, a deadly fungal infection that can affect humans, seem to be developing resistance to current drug treatments at an alarming rate according to scientists involved...

05 May '11

UNICEF report on the situation of women and children in Zimbabwe

One in four children in Zimbabwe has lost one or both parents due to HIV and other causes. These children are being looked after by extended families and are among the 100,000 child headed househol...

18 Mar '11 | Zimbabwe

Homophobia concerns re. some UK African communities

Discriminating against gay, lesbian or transgender people is a crime in the UK, yet Africans who are not heterosexual often suffer serious abuse, verbal and physical assault from their own communit...

03 Mar '11 | Tolerance in society | African communities in UK

Scientists assess new vaccines to improve health of African children

Respiratory infections and diarrhoeal diseases kill approximately four million children each year, with most deaths occurring in developing countries. New vaccines for Streptococcus pneumoniae, a ...

14 Oct '10 | Africa

1 in 7 gay men on the London gay scene has HIV

Of a recent sample of 1,251 men in gay bars, clubs and saunas, 15.2% were found to have HIV. This is markedly higher than Health Protection Agency estimates for gay men in London in general, and su...

21 Jul '10 | HIV | London

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