News incl. lifesciences, animals, wildlife & nature
from or mentioning Australia
The news articles listed below include information from, about or mentioning Australia.
See also recent news, articles concerning specific locations, news by subject (topic) and items by month and year
Packaged food healthiest in the UK, USA, Australia and Canada
Packaged food sold in UK rated healthiest in a study undertaken by authors from 6 countries who compared the healthiness of packaged foods and beverages from 12 countries using data collected durin...
It's a bumper blueberry season
July is National Blueberry Month in the USA. Many parts of the country are reporting a bumper crop of blueberries. Here's a brief summary of some of the reported health benefits of this delicious f...
Obesity and alcohol use in Australia
Increasing numbers of Australians are suffering from the adverse effects of weight gain, obesity and excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks. Leading public health experts blame such ill-health o...
New research advances understanding of thyroid conditions
In a recent study of thyroid hormone levels scientists identified novel variants associated with thyroid function that could not have been detected in earlier studies. They also demonstrated the u...
To combat malaria, must increase efforts against drug resistance
Efforts to combat malaria are the subject of meetings in Sydney, Australia, this week. Experts there expressed support for a global campaign to ban the use of artemisinin alone as a treatment for m...
Research finds superbug resistance protein
Scientists have recently identified a resistance protein that allows acinetobacter baumannii bacteria to survive chlorhexidine, an antiseptic commonly used in wipes, cleansers and mouthwashes in ho...
Magnetic Seizure Therapy (MST) for depression
A new treatment for depression may avoid side-effects according to on-going research in Australia. Magnetic Seizure Therapy is a brain-stimulation technique that may have similar clinical effects t...
Menopause not to blame for weight gain
Study found that post-menopausal weight gain is not linked to hormonal changes. BUT as oestrogen levels drop - a consequence of menopause - women's weight gain patterns alter and body fat is stored...
How T-cells of the immune system interact with gluten
Coeliac disease research: When a person with coeliac disease eats anything containing gluten their immune system triggers T-cells to fight certain proteins, damaging the small intestine and inhibit...
Blocking activity of two proteins might protect female fertility in the longer term
Research from Australia offers hope to women whose fertility has been compromised by the side-effects of cancer therapy or by premature menopause. They found that the proteins PUMA and NOXA can tri...
Why do women live longer than men ?
Why do women generally live longer than men ? Mutations to the DNA of mitochondria can account for differences in the life expectancy of males and females. Recent research about biological ageing c...
Mediterranean Diet improves Health
Mediterranean diets are healthy. A healthy diet and lifestyle is important for good general health and well-being. Prof Catherine Itsiopoulos has explained some of the benefits of a Mediterranean d...
Discovery of genes that influence risk of fracture and osteoporosis
Scientists have conducted the largest international study of its kind to identify the genes responsible for osteoporosis. Their research indicates that variants in 56 regions of the human genome in...
Gene study leads to new insight into Alzheimers
Recent research details the discovery of new genes that may affect the risk of Alzheimer's disease in older people up to 20 years before clinical symptoms become apparent. Researchers looked at the...
Disarming disease-causing bacteria via the translocation and assembly module
Recent research has shown that a protein complex called the Translocation and Assembly Module (TAM), forms a type of molecular pump in bacteria. This TAM allows bacteria to shuttle key disease-caus...
Sports participation after knee reconstruction surgery
Knee repair is major surgery that can involve a long period of recovery. Recent research indicates that many athletes who have had anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery do not return to...