Smoking in the News

The articles featured below include news about smoking tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars and pipes. The news on these pages includes information about smoking cessation techniques (how to stop smoking), possible long-term health effects of smoking and government approaches to reduce smoking - such as requiring warnings on packets, the regulation of advertising tobacco products, rules about sales to children, restrictions on smoking in public places and so on.

By 2043 obesity might exceed smoking as the largest preventable cause of cancer in women

Cancer Research UK has launched a UK-wide campaign to increase awareness that obesity is a cause of cancer. According to one report, 25 years from now being overweight or obese might lead to more c...

25 Sep '18 | Obesity | UK

Low vs high nicotine e-cigarettes

Recent research funded by Cancer Research UK indicates that former cigarette smokers who want to use e-cigarettes might be better off beginning with higher, rather than lower, nicotine levels in or...

09 Jun '18 | E-cigarettes | UK

Young smokers father fatter sons

Recent study finds that the teenage sons of men who started smoking cigarettes frequently before the age of 11 years had more body fat than their peers e.g. school friends. A similar effect was fou...

02 Apr '14 | Smoking | Bristol (UK)

Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) may not be effective in the long-term

Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) designed to help people stop smoking, specifically nicotine patches and nicotine gum, do not appear to be effective in helping smokers quit long-term, even whe...

09 Jan '12 | USA

Ban on cigarette sales to teenagers had little effect on access to tobacco

University researchers in the UK have found that banning under-18s from buying cigarettes has had little impact on young people's access to tobacco and that large numbers of teenagers continue to b...

06 Oct '10 | Teen Smokers | UK

Young people say tobacco displays in shops encourage smoking, according to Cancer Research UK

Dr Crawford Moodie, lead researcher based at the University of Stirling, said ... Our study provides a timely insight into what young people think about a range of measures to help reduce smoking a...

23 Jul '10 | Smoking | UK

UK Stomach cancer deaths lowest for forty years

These figures are fantastic news showing fewer people are now dying from stomach cancer. But with more than 5,000 deaths from the disease every year, more work needs to be done to raise awareness o...

24 Jun '10 | Stomach Cancer | UK

Communicative fathers help reduce teenage smoking

This study suggests that a greater awareness of parents’ and especially fathers’ potential impact upon their teenagers’ choices about whether to smoke is needed. Fathers should be encouraged and su...

15 Apr '10 | Smoking | UK

Protect children from the allure of smoking, say doctors

A news report has warned that children who smoke face years of tobacco addiction that can lead to life-threatening diseases and premature death.

23 Jun '09 | Smoking | Scotland

AMA Adopts New Public Health Policies at Annual Meeting

At a recent meeting the American Medical Association (AMA) voted to adopt new public health policies concerning protection from flu, electronic cigarettes, use of tasers and vitamin D.

16 Jun '09 | USA

First gene-based test to predict individual lung cancer risk

A gene-based test is now available to identify those at highest risk of developing lung cancer. This test is the first in the world to provide a personalised estimate of lung cancer risk by combini...

09 Jun '09 | Lung Cancer | New Zealand

Myth busting - cardiovascular disease and women

More than 22,000 women per year die of cardiovascular disease in Australia. It is especially prevalent in older women. Despite this, cardiovascular disease is still seen as being something that is ...

03 Jun '09 | Heart Disease | Australia

Call for pictorial warnings on tobacco packs

Research shows that even among people who believe tobacco is harmful, few understand its specific health risks. According to the WHO, despite this lack of understanding health warnings on tobacco p...

29 May '09 | Smoking | International

Kidney Disease – Australia's ‘Silent Killer' Print page

The number of Australians becoming sick and dying from kidney failure is rising rapidly, largely due to avoidable lifestyle factors such as high blood pressure.

26 May '09 | Kidney Disease | Australia

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