Latest news items

Saffron adopted through ABC's Adopt-an-Herb Program

The American Botanical Council has announced the adoption of saffron (Crocus sativus) through its Adopt-an-Herb program. These are notes about saffron and its traditional medicinal uses that the ne...

07 Apr '20 | Herbal Medicine | USA

World Health Day 2020: Support Nurses and Midwives

7th April is World Health Day. In 2020 World Health Day highlights the status of nursing around the world. WHO has launched the first ever State of the World's Nursing Report.

07 Apr '20 | Nursing | Worldwide

How to get along when staying at home

Advice to stay at home has caused millions of people to change their daily routines in recent weeks. There are many articles about how to deal with boredom, frustration, worry and the social requir...

31 Mar '20 | Mental Health | At Home

Handwashing campaign targets a billion people worldwide

Unilever and the UK government are funding an information campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of washing hands with soap regularly and disinfecting surfaces. This will include TV, radio, pr...

28 Mar '20 | Handwashing | International

Hand sanitiser plant to be built in 10 days to make 1 million bottles / month

The reported shortage of hand sanitiser supplies across Europe will be alleviated by the building within 10 days of a hand sanitiser plant near Middlesbrough (N.Yorks, UK) capable of producing 1 m...

25 Mar '20 | Supply | Middlesborough, England

U.S. Regulator (FDA) helps enable veterinary care during COVID-19 pandemic

Pet owners in the USA are informed of temporary easing of some regulations enabling pets such as cats and dogs to receive veterinary consultations remotely, for example in the form of the animal's ...

25 Mar '20 | Veterinary Telemedicine | USA

COVID-19 Mental health and social impact study

Psychologists are studying the mental health and social impacts of the UK government's response to coronavirus. They hope that understanding its effects on the mental health and behaviour of UK res...

23 Mar '20 | Mental Health | UK

Kale is in season in February

Eating fresh foods in season is a wholesome aspiration that can seem easier to achieve during the summer and autumn months. When fruit trees are bare and frost threatens tender plants, kale is an o...

07 Feb '20 | Fresh Food (Nutrition)

AMA (USA) offers 6 tips for better heart health

February is American Heart Month which is supported and promoted by national organizations including the AMA and NIH. These 6 tips for heart health are from the American Medical Association (AMA).

01 Feb '20 | Heart Health | USA

Food Aid for Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) in Bangladesh has welcomed a new contribution from the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) to support the Rohingya refugee response in Cox's Bazar...

01 Feb '20 | Food Assistance | Bangladesh

Free to access online data about latest clinical research on novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV

In response to increasing concern about the human respiratory illness novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), the international publishing company Elsevier has launched a free-to-access online Information C...

29 Jan '20 | Coronavirus 2019-nCoV | China

Improving the relationship between use of social media and body image

New report promotes more positive use of social media in response to the known issue of use of social media adversely affecting body image. This report is the result of a conference held at Strathc...

09 Jan '20 | Mental Health | Scotland

Latest violence in Tripoli (Libya) shuts 210 schools

More than 100,000 Libyan school children have education suspended by armed conflict in and around Tripoli. The Ain-Zara, Abu Salim and Soug al Juma'aa areas are particularly badly affected.

08 Jan '20 | Child Welfare | Libya

Aromatherapy assoc. NAHA supports lavender via ABC's adopt-an-herb

The American Botanical Council announced that the adoption of true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia, Lamiaceae) by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy through ABC's Adopt-an-Herb pro...

22 Dec '19 | Natural Health | USA

Excessive use of antibiotics to treat young children

Recent study suggests that children in low- and middle-income countries receive excessive antibiotic prescriptions in their first 5 years of life. There are concerns that so much antibiotics could ...

16 Dec '19 | Antibiotics | Developing Countries

Packaged food healthiest in the UK, USA, Australia and Canada

Packaged food sold in UK rated healthiest in a study undertaken by authors from 6 countries who compared the healthiness of packaged foods and beverages from 12 countries using data collected durin...

22 Aug '19 | Nutrition | International

Only the most recent news items are featured above. For more articles see news topics, which also lists news by month, and news locations (e.g. by country).

Angels exist in the world of spirit - some say at a higher vibrational frequency than most humans.

Although care has been taken when compiling this page, the information contained might not be completely up to date. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This material is copyright. See terms of use.

IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.