Biceps Femoris

Diagram of posterior muscles.

The biceps femoris muscles are a pair of muscles located in each of the posterior upper-legs of the human body.

The word 'biceps' refers to a muscle that has two heads, that is two points of origin- see the table below.

The three hamstring muscles are the:

Origin, Insertion and Actions of the Biceps Femoris muscle:

Points of Origin:
  • Long Head: ischial tuberosity
  • Short Head: upper femur bone
Points of Insertion:

To test your knowledge, look at the image opposite and decide which muscle(s) you think are the biceps femoris muscles, then click on the image to check if you were correct. The image links to another page that includes the labels for this and all the other muscles shown.

More about Muscles:

The following are some popular pages in the section about the human muscular system:

There are also more pages about the words used to describe muscles (terminology), the anatomy and physiology of muscles, muscular disorders and associated topics. See also books about sports medicine.

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IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.