Aromatherapy Books

What is Aromatherapy ?

Aromatherapy is the use of Essential Oils to facilitate relaxation and self-healing.

Essential oils may be applied in a variety of ways, such as evapourated into the air, massaged into the skin, dispersed in bathwater and so on.

Aromatherapy as a therapy or treatment usually refers to a body-work treatment in which a practitioner applies a blend of Essential oils diluted in Carrier oil(s) to the client's skin. The most usual form of application is massage into the skin but in some cases, diluted oils may simply be smoothed onto the skin, or even just evapourated gently into the air.

The word "aromatherapy" is derived from the two words "aroma", which means fragrance, and "therapy", which means treatment. This word is therefore a summary of the facts that the essential oils used in aromatherapy are fragrant, thus detected by our sense of smell, and also that when selected and applied appropriately they may have therapeutic effects.

Read more about aromatherapy.

See also news about aromatherapy.

In the News:

Aromatherapy assoc. NAHA supports lavender via ABC's adopt-an-herb - 22 Dec '19

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Aromatherapy Book wins Botanical Literature Award (USA) - 19 Feb '16

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