News incl. lifesciences, animals, wildlife & nature

from or mentioning Zimbabwe

The articles listed below include news from, about or mentioning Zimbabwe, Southern Africa.

The books section includes books and travel guides about Zimbabwe.

Calls for social inclusion of children with disabilities in Africa

On the Day of the African Child 2012, UNICEF calls on families, communities and governments throughout the continent to protect children with disabilities from discrimination, violence and neglect,...

16 Jun '12 | Disabilities | Africa

UNICEF report on the situation of women and children in Zimbabwe

One in four children in Zimbabwe has lost one or both parents due to HIV and other causes. These children are being looked after by extended families and are among the 100,000 child headed househol...

18 Mar '11 | Zimbabwe

Campaign against maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT)

Although maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) is a swift and painful killer, it is easily preventable through immunization of women with tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccine, which also confers immunity for ...

22 Feb '11 | International

US Plans to assist with improvements of medical education in Africa

Eleven programmatic awards, largely funded by PEPFAR, will expand and enhance medical education and research training in the field of HIV/AIDS. Eight smaller non-HIV/AIDS awards, funded by the NIH ...

07 Oct '10 | Education | Africa

Zimbabwe water and sanitation sector to receive a boost

04 Oct '10 | Water, Sanitation & Hygiene | Zimbabwe

Liverpool University to strengthen health research in Africa

Africa is still affected by deadly diseases such as HIV, malaria and tuberculosis. Many African universities appreciate help to progress forward research into these conditions and train young resea...

02 Jul '09 | Health Research | Africa

Zimbabwe education crisis worsens as schools remain closed

Recent figures indicate that 94% of schools in rural Zimbabwe remain closed. UNICEF has called for education to be a high priority for the incoming government. Zimbabwe's education system was once ...

10 Feb '09 | Education | Zimbabwe

Global, national efforts urgently intensified to control Zimbabwe cholera outbreak

Zimbabwe's cholera outbreak, one of the world's largest ever recorded, is far from being brought under control. An enhanced response is needed to urgently reverse an epidemic that has so far infect...

30 Jan '09 | Cholera | Zimbabwe

UNICEF appeals for over $1 billion for children in emergencies

Many countries featured in the report are silent or forgotten emergencies, according to UNICEF Executive Director, Ann M. Veneman. She went on to say that women and children are dying every day du...

27 Jan '09 | Child Welfare | International

NHS Humanitarian Fund announces £45,000 for health projects in the developing world

Since last year, 23 grants have been awarded from the fund, which is administered by the BMA's International Department. Projects have ranged from funding to support lectures on anaesthesia and obs...

22 Jan '09 | Humanitarian Aid | UK

Cholera epidemic takes its toll on Zimbabwe's children

Since August 2008, 783 people from nine of the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe have died from cholera. With a fatality rate of approaching 5%, the outbreak has exceeded the international acceptable thresh...

15 Dec '08 | Cholera | Zimbabwe

Health system problems aggravate cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe

The major cause of the cholera outbreak is the inadequate supply of clean drinking water and poor levels of hygiene. Shortages of medicines, equipment and staff at health facilities throughout the ...

10 Dec '08 | Cholera | Zimbabwe

UNICEF intensifies emergency response in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean children, already bearing the brunt of a shattered economy, severe food shortages, HIV/AIDS and failing social services, as well as suffering the acute effects of a lack of food, water a...

02 Dec '08 | Cholera | Zimbabwe

UNITAID, UNICEF and WHO announce massive scale-up in fight against HIV in mothers and children

As the world's leaders and AIDS community gather in Mexico for the biennial global conference on HIV and AIDS, UNITAID, UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) today announced an infusion of...

31 Jul '08 | HIV | International

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