News incl. lifesciences, animals, wildlife & nature

from or mentioning Madagascar

Articles listed below include news from, about or mentioning Madagascar, which is officially the Republic of Madagascar, an island country in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Southeast Africa (west of Mozambique).

The books section includes books and travel guides about Madagascar.

Calls for social inclusion of children with disabilities in Africa

On the Day of the African Child 2012, UNICEF calls on families, communities and governments throughout the continent to protect children with disabilities from discrimination, violence and neglect,...

16 Jun '12 | Disabilities | Africa

UK Government announces action on water and sanitation

UNICEF UK joined the End Water Poverty coalition to call for more to improve access to sanitation. The coalition wants developing countries to be supported in developing national sanitation plans a...

25 Sep '08 | Water & Sanitation | International

Japan allocates US$5 million to WFP and UNICEF in Zambia

Japan has generously allocated 5 million USD to the Republic of Zambia through UNICEF and the World Food Programme (WFP). The fund is to assist with various programmes including responding to wides...

31 Mar '08 | Zambia

Archangel Auriel is associated with the phases of life, moon magic, and the divine feminine.

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IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.