Rescue Remedy
No website featuring the Bach Flower Remedies would be complete without a page about Dr. Bach's famous Rescue Remedy.
Rescue Remedy is the only composite remedy formulated by Dr. Bach, though he did make individual treatment bottles for specific people at specific times. This method of using the Bach Flower Remedies for personal circumstances, as and when required, is still recommended today. The Bach Centre at Mount Vernon, Oxfordshire (UK) run courses teaching many people to do exactly that - for themselves, friends, family, or clients.
Rescue Remedy includes the following 5 Bach Flower Remedies:
- Cherry Plum (for desperation)
- Clematis (for far-away, out-of-body tendencies)
- Impatiens (for mental stress and tension)
- Rock Rose (for terror/panic)
- Star of Bethlehem (for shock)
See also the main IvyRose Holistic section about Bach Flower Remedies, which is part of the Therapies section of this website.
Further information about Bach Flower Remedies includes a list of the Bach Flower Remedies, books about Bach Flower Remedies and notes about the history of the Bach Flower Remedies.