Rescue Cream

Bach Rescue Cream
Bach Rescue Cream

Rescue Cream is closely related to Dr. Bach's famous Rescue Remedy.

The Bach Flower Remedies included in Rescue Cream are:

Rescue Cream is a general purpose cream that is sometimes recommended by Bach Flower Practioners for use on certain skin conditions that are or might be anxiety-related. Such conditions might include various rashes, dry areas, etc.. As with all treatments and medications, users should obtain advice from an appropriately qualified person and should always read the product packaging, advice and instructions in full before using a product for the first time.

For information about skin conditions and disorders in general, including some common types of skin conditions, see Skin Conditions and Disorders.

See also the main IvyRose Holistic section about Bach Flower Remedies, which is part of the Therapies section of this website.

Further information about Bach Flower Remedies includes a list of the Bach Flower Remedies, books about Bach Flower Remedies and notes about the history of the Bach Flower Remedies.

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Although care has been taken when compiling this page, the information contained might not be completely up to date. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This material is copyright. See terms of use.

IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.