Herpes Simplex
Herpes Simplex is a skin condition that occurs as a result of viral infection. Recall that the skin is also known as the "integument", or "integumentary system".
There are two types of Herpes Simplex (HSV).
- Type I causes the common cold sore, which is usually present on or around the lips.
- Type II is mainly associated with genital herpes and is sexually transmitted.
Types I and I can both cause either genital herpes or cold sores, depending on the site of initial infection.
HSV blisters are contagious through skin-to-skin contact and are recurrent in some people. HSV can also affect the conjunctiva.
Herpes Simplex is distinctly different from Herpes Zoster.
See also skin conditions and disorders (all on one page). This may interest students of massage, reflexology, holistic treatments of various types, beauty therapies, and other health related courses.
Further information about skin includes the structure of skin (with diagram), an explanation of what dermatology means and includes and textbooks about dermatology.