This is the Joint Movements section about the types of movements between bones at joints in the body.
The expressions listed in this category could also be described as:
- actions at joints
- actions of muscles, or
- muscle actions
For a single list of all the movements of the body included in this section see types of movements at joints.
Definition of depression in the context of movement of the body:
Depression is the downward movement of structures of the body, e.g. depression of a shoulder joint lowers the corresponding arm vertically downwards.
The movement of depression is the opposite of the movement of elevation.
The word depression can be used to describe a movement, such as in the sentence:
"Depression of the shoulder is when the shoulder joint, together with the arm attached to it, moves downwards."
A depressor is a muscle that can act to cause a depression movement. For example the facial muscles the depressor labii inferiori draw downwards the skin tissues at the outer edges below the lower-lip to form a 'sad' shape, i.e. the opposite position of the lower lip to that seen when the person is smiling.
Example of Depression (movement):
Depression of the shoulder blades (scapulae):
The expression 'scapular depression' is used to refer to the downward movement of the shoulders, e.g. when using the muscles of the shoulder girdle to lift weights using a pulley-system (weights training machine) as shown in the following video clip.
Depression of the shoulder blades (scapulae):
The expression 'scapular depression' is used to refer to the downward movement of the shoulders, e.g. when using the muscles of the shoulder girdle to lift weights using a pulley-system (weights training machine) as shown in the following video clip.
See also list of definitions of muscle terminology (words used to convey information about specific muscles) - useful for studying human anatomy and physiology, sports sciences e.g. physical education (PE), physiotherapy, and other health sciences.
About this section:
This is the Joint Movements section, which is about the types of movements between bones at joints in the body. Alternatively, terms listed in this category could be described as:
- actions at joints,
- actions of muscles or
- muscle actions.
For a single list summarizing all the movements of the body included in this section see
types of movements at joints.
See also definitions of muscle terminology (words used to convey information about specific muscles) - useful for studying human anatomy and physiology, sports sciences e.g. physical education (PE), physiotherapy, and other health sciences.
- Anterior Muscles
- Posterior Muscles
- Facial Muscles
- Muscle Terminology (Definitions)
- 1. Structure of Muscle
- 2. Structure of Muscle Cells
- 3. Muscle Filaments
- 4. Sliding Filament Theory
- 5. Neuromuscular Junction
- 6. Actions at Neuromuscular Junction
- Types of Muscle Contractions
- Muscular Disorders
- Effects of exercise on muscles