Bowel Cancer in the News

The articles featured below include news about, or mention of, bowel cancer, including bowel cancer research. There is information about bowel cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, survival rates and research into various aspects of bowel cancer.

Oncology is the medical specialty concerned with the study and practice of treating tumours including cancers. See also oncology books, books about cancer and books about bowel cancer in particular.

By 2043 obesity might exceed smoking as the largest preventable cause of cancer in women

Cancer Research UK has launched a UK-wide campaign to increase awareness that obesity is a cause of cancer. According to one report, 25 years from now being overweight or obese might lead to more c...

25 Sep '18 | Obesity | UK

Brits walk less than one mile per day

According to recent research made available by Cancer Research UK's 'Walk All Over Cancer' campaign, on a typical weekday more than half (52%) of UK adults walk a mile or less while 17% walk less t...

25 May '17 | Healthy Exercise | UK

Double genomes associated with poor cancer survival

Unintentional DNA doubling in bowel cancer cells could predict which patients might have lower chances of survival and help to plan their treatment. Researchers have seen that genome doubling in ce...

22 Jan '14 | Cancer News

Patients want advice about bowel cancer screening

Patients in the UK would appreciate a recommendation from the National Health Service (NHS) concerning whether or not to attend bowel cancer screening - together with information about the known ri...

05 Dec '12 | Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer screening in England cuts bowel cancer deaths

The Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in England is on course to cut bowel cancer deaths by 16% according to a University of Nottingham-led study of the first 1 million test results. The data also s...

09 Dec '11

Survivors of childhood cancers at increased risk of other cancers later in life

Survivors of childhood cancers are four times more likely than the general population to develop a new cancer according to a recent study by cancer research scientists. The researchers followed the...

04 Jun '11 | Childhood Cancer | UK

Bowel Cancer hope by blocking PINK1

Targeting PINK1 is not currently possible in patients. But developing drugs that can mimic these effects could provide new ways to treat bowel cancer patients who have faulty MLH1 or MSH2 genes.

01 Mar '11

The fear of cancer

08 Dec '10

Angels exist in the world of spirit - some say at a higher vibrational frequency than most humans.

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IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.