
The Healing Power of the Breath Recognizing and Treating Breathing Disorders


The word pleurisy refers to inflammation of the pleura (parts of the anatomy of the lungs).


Pleurisy may be caused by pneumonia in the affected lung. The normally shiny and slippery pleural surfaces lose their sheen and become slightly sticky, so that there is pain on deep breathing.

Pleurisy is always associated with some other disease in the lung, chest wall, diaphragm, or abdomen.

Effects (Symptoms)

  • Pain on deep breathing
  • A characteristic 'rub' can be heard through a stethoscope.


See also a list of diseases and disorders of the respiratory system (info all on one page).

In the News:

Acute respiratory infection warning for bus and tram users - 17 Jan '11

Increased UK internet searches for flu info on NHS website - 6 Jan '11

UK Campaign to remind people to help prevent spread of flu - 30 Dec '10

Half of swine flu deaths were in previously healthy people - Liverpool Univ - 13 Jul '10

Health of future generations determined by childhood conditions - 25 Jun '10

Canada works with National and International Partners to Manage the Spread of the H1N1 Flu Virus - 29 Jun '09

NZ moves to management phase of H1N1 outbreak - 19 Jun '09

NZ remains in containment phase of H1N1 outbreak - 18 Jun '09

Angels fill libraries and examination rooms, always there when needed.

Although care has been taken when compiling this page, the information contained might not be completely up to date. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This material is copyright. See terms of use.

IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.