Date Published: 23 September 2007

Partnerships for children in conflict in the spirit of the Holy Ramadan

As millions of Muslims around the world observe the current month of the Holy Ramadan, a partnership has emerged between UNICEF and Showtime Arabia, a leading regional subscription cable TV operator. The aim of the partnership is to support the cause of children affected by armed conflict in Darfur, Iraq and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

UNICEF’s first ever Eminent Advocate for Children, Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan, recorded a 45 second public service announcement which is being aired via all Showtime Arabia Pay TV network channels, throughout the Gulf as well as numerous countries in the Middle East. The TV spot reminds viewers that children are the most vulnerable to violence and exploitation in conflict situations.

UNICEF-Showtime alliance highlights Queen Rania continued commitment and dedication towards supporting children’s issues worldwide.

All monetary proceeds of the month-long campaign will help assist UNICEF interventions in Darfur, Iraq and the occupied Palestinian territory.

Also partnering in this endeavor is Aramex, an international and domestic express delivery, freight forwarding and transportation service that supports the campaign by collecting individual cash donations in several Arab countries where the message is broadcast.

Source: UNICEF Main Website.
See also UNICEF Online Gift Shop

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