9 - The Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit is tarot card number 9, although it is the 10th card of the Major Arcana because the 1st of the 22 Major Arcana cards is number 0 (The Fool).

Some older accounts of the tarot refer to "The Hermit" as "Father Time", a representation that may convey the wisdom gained over the passing of time even more naturally than the modern Hermit representation.

The Hermit in the tarot deck is usually depicted as an elderly gentleman with a long white beard and a staff. He is often shown standing on the top of a mountain (if a snow-capped mountain, this is to further emphasize the height of learning he has attained via solitude and experience).

When The Hermit appears in a tarot spread he may be indicating that we should put our experience and learning to work for us in our present situation. Alternatively, the hermit may be indicating that unfinished business from our past should be completed before we can move into the future with confidence.

Some specific terms associated with The Hermit tarot card include:

  • wisdom
  • meditation
  • search for truth
  • the wisdom of the ages
  • knowledge
  • discipline
  • completion
  • contemplation
  • introspection
More about the Major Arcana

Click here for more Major Arcana cards

Tarot Articles:

Tarot Card Games - for, against and examples

Learning to Read Tarot Cards

20 Steps to reading Tarot Cards

Why use Free Printable Tarot Cards?

List of Tarot Card Meanings

Origins of the Tarot Nouveau - or 'French Tarot'

Learning Tarot

Uses of Tarot Cards

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