Example Question and Answer
Re. The Structure of Hair Follicles

This study question follows information on the page about a Hair Follicle Diagram.

Example Study Question:

  1. Label the parts of the structure of a hair follicle indicated by the numbers 1. to 12. on the diagram shown on the right.

The 12 parts of the hair follicle indicated in the diagram are included in following list of 15 parts of a hair follicle and associated structures:

  1. melanocyte
  2. hair shaft
  3. hair root
  4. arrector pili muscle
  5. cuticle of hair
  6. sebaceous gland
  7. hypodermis layer
  8. medulla of hair
  9. cortex of hair
  10. internal epithelial root sheath
  11. hair bulb
  12. dermal root sheath
  13. papilla
  14. germinal matrix
  15. external epithelial root sheath


  1. State the name of the part or structure
    (which is one of the 12 indicated in the diagram on the right) that causes the hair to "stand on end" so cause "goose pimples" also known as "goose bumps" when the person is frightened or cold. Explain briefly how that happens.


  1. State the name of the part or structure (which is one of the 12 indicated in the diagram above-right) that secrets an oily substance. Also state the name of the secretion and one of its functions .


  1. State the name of the part or structure (which is one of the 12 indicated in the diagram above-right) that produces new hairs when previous hairs are shed. Also state the name of the process of cell division that takes place in this region of a hair follicle.


Notes about how to answer this question:

There is very little flexibility for different answers to this question:

  1. There is only one correct answer to part (a).
  2. Naming the correct part or structure earns 1 mark.
    A short description in your own words is required to earn the remaining 2 marks for part (b).
  3. Naming the correct part or structure earns 1 mark.
    Naming the secretion from this structure earns 1 mark.
    An example of one of the functions of oily secretion - in your own words - is required to earn the remaining mark for part (c).
  4. Naming the correct part or structure earns 1 mark.
    Naming the correction process of cell division earns 1 mark.

Hint: The two processes of cell division are described in the section about the cell.

Need some help first ? ... Revisit the study page.
Want to check your answer ? ... See the example answer.

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